Next Departure: Fall 2019
Application Deadline Jun 15
What to Expect
This 10-day trip is a unique blend of studying and serving together. We will walk where Jesus walked and learn about the vast history of this land and also spend time praying for and serving with the local church in Israel. Half of our time will be one of discipleship as we explore the land, customs and culture of the Bible.
Family Friendly Service Trip great for Church families or individuals.
After our study time, we will volunteer alongside our partners in Jerusalem to help further their relationships in the community, Help is needed at the local nursing home, serving the Ethiopian Jewish community, and visiting Holocaust survivors bearing love and food parcels.
Training (discipleship) for this trip begins 12 weeks prior to the trip. As a team, we will choose a biblical book study to read and discuss together over Skype. We will do online bible plans together and finish up our training with an in-person 72 hour intensive weekend which will include orientation, team building, and discipleship training (growing in knowledge of who God is and who He has called us to be). Overall, your time commitment will primarily be for the 3-day training as well as the actual trip dates. Because it is mandatory, we wait to choose the intensive training dates until after the team is formed, so as to work best with everyone's schedule.
Once in-country, each day will begin with devotional and end with a team debrief. You will sleep safely and comfortably, eating standard meals, and meeting amazing people as you witness God's handiwork. The goal of this trip is to remain flexible to what God would like to do in you and through you as a team and as an individual. We will learn and grow together as we gain a fuller understanding of how faithful and relentless God's love truly is.
![]() Boat ride - Sea of GalileeBoat ride - Sea of Galilee | ![]() The theater at CaesareaThe theater at Caesarea |
![]() The Garden TombThe Garden Tomb |
Training & Preparation
A great deal goes into preparing for a short-term serving trip and we are here to help. Through team building exercises, we'll make sure the team knows each other well before leaving home. We will also conduct an in-depth training that includes sessions on cross-culture, spiritual gifts, spiritual warfare, and how to serve others with dignity. You'll have a checklist of items to take care of on your own (like passports, immunizations, and raising support). We will help you stay on track with it all.
Service Projects
Our service days will be spent with our in country partner, Bridges for Peace. Depending on the strengths of our team, we may serve at the local school, help with agricultural projects, or facilitate home repair for those in need. Although Israel is a prospering country life is still difficult for many and we are blessed to be a part of making some of the burdens lighter.

It is rare to find a trip to Israel that is this economical. Part of why this is possible is that we will be staying in a hostel (bunk bed style) rather than a hotel. The all-inclusive cost of this 10-day trip is $3300. We will help you with the fundraising and you can set up a payment plan early. Just a $300 deposit will secure your spot on the team, which will go towards the cost of your trip. The overall cost includes round-trip flight, training materials, training space, team building, funds tracking, meals, in-country transportation, lodging, traveler's medical insurance, site fees, ministry opportunities, and a local ministry donation. Set team dates will have a certified Faith Journeys leader.
volunteer family