Upcoming Retreats & Trip Dates

We are excited to announce some of the amazing things we have planned for 2019. Because our hearts are for discipleship, we are expanding our offerings to include more personal retreat options, as well as our staple serving trips. Maybe God is calling you to step out in faith and join us for one or more of these adventures with Him? Will you pray about it?
Women's Retreat Jan 18 - 20 (Registration Deadline Nov 15)
January is the perfect time to invest in yourself. The end of the year is filled with so much activity and it's important to take time away and get refocused. Spend time with other women getting refreshed, releasing burdens you aren't meant to carry, and refocusing on what God has for you in 2019. This will be an intimate gathering in a cabin located in the North Georgia mountains, and only 7 women will be able to participate this time. We pray you will be one of them! Deadline to register is November 15, with an $85 deposit. Total event cost is $170 and covers food, lodging, and event costs. Find out more.
Ecuador Serving Trip - Mar 31 - Apr 7 (Application Deadline Nov 16)
This is a 7 Day family-friendly trip where we will head to the edges of the Amazon River basin and join a full-time team at Ninawachi Mission School. We will learn from these missionary leaders as together we connect with the local villagers. The goal of Ninawachi is to raise up indigenous Christian leaders, plant churches and help meet physical needs as well as spiritual ones. There are several indigenous communities in this remote area that have not yet experienced the love of Christ and we are excited to be a part of sharing the Gospel with them (in deed and in word). If you have an adventurous spirit and want to grow your evangelism gift, this trip is perfect for you. Find out more.
Ghana Serving Trip - July 3 - 13 (Application Deadline Feb 23)
Over 50,000 children are put to work in Ghana as fishermen, and it is estimated that 60% of them were sold and/or kidnapped into this role. Thankfully, our partner, City of Refuge Ministries (CORM) helps to offer safe housing, education, and holistic (for their body, mind, and spirit) restoration to many of these children once they are rescued. Our team will offer love and encouragement to these children as well as the staff and teachers who invest in them every day. If you have a heart for children and want to see what restoration in Christ can look like, this is the trip for you. This opportunity all happens on the 24 acres of land owned by CORM and is a safe and secure way to introduce your family to missions. Find out more.
Israel Study Trip - Oct 4 - 14 (Application Deadline Jun 27)
This family-friendly 10-day mission trip is a unique blend of studying and serving together. We will walk where Jesus walked and learn about the vast history of this land and also spend time praying for and serving with the local church in Israel. The first half of our time will be one of discipleship as we explore the land, customs and culture of the Bible. We will visit over 50 holy sites including the Garden Tomb, the Sea of Galilee, and Mount Beatitudes. After our study time, we will volunteer alongside our partners in Jerusalem to help further their relationships in the community, Help is needed at the local nursing home, serving the Ethiopian Jewish community, and visiting Holocaust survivors bearing love and food parcels. Find out more.
Men's Retreat Fall 2019 (Registration Deadline Sept 1)
Join other men for some relaxing fun, fellowship, and time away. Spend time with other men seeking the Lord. You'll come home refreshed and your family will thank you. We will spend time in the North Georgia mountains by the campfire laughing, relaxing, and refocusing on what is important. There will be a special time of teaching, prayer, and fellowship. Bedrooms will vary between single, double, or bunk-bed set up and that will be determined based on order or sign ups. Deadline to register is September 1, with an $85 deposit. Total event cost is $170 and covers food, lodging, and event costs. Find out more.
By God's grace, Faith Journeys is now able to partner in Israel, Ecuador, and Ghana while simultaneously investing in men and women locally. We partner financially, spiritually, and practically in all three areas and are blessed to be a part of what God is doing in these regions. Will you partner with us? Your monthly donations are 100% tax-deductible and will go towards eradicating childhood slavery, helping those in need, and caring for the youth in each of these areas. Donate Now.